Our Mission
NIC-FTD aims to improve clinical assessment tools and biomarkers to accurately and reliably differentiate between Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) and Psychiatric disorders.
Frontotemporal Dementia presents unique challenges due to its symptomatic overlap with psychiatric disorders. Through international research, data-sharing, and interdisciplinary collaboration, we are working to uncover the distinct characteristics that set FTD apart.
Moreover, NIC-FTD is established to forge a global community of researchers, clinicians, and other experts who are united by the goal of improving FTD outcomes. Through our combined effort, we aim to gain profound insights in diagnostics and disease monitoring, to ultimately translate this into tangible benefits for those affected by FTD in the form of best clinical practice recommendations.
Our Key Objectives
We aim to provide clinicians with improved tools and recommendations to accurately and reliably distinguish FTD from psychiatric disorders, thereby reducing misdiagnoses.
By uniting research centers, experts, and other stakeholders from around the world, we are creating a multidisciplinary platform for collaboration that transcends geographical boundries.
Through our collaborative effors we strive to identify discriminative biomarkers specific to FTD, aiding in early diagnosis and paving the way for targeted treatment options.
Through our cummulative expertise, NIC-FTD aims to positively influence clinical practice guidelines by formulating recommendations for diagnostic criteria, symptomatic treatment options, and disease monitoring.
We aim to establish a shared international database by collecting data of clinical characteristics, neuropsychological and cognitive behavioral assessments, neuroimaging, and fluid biomarkers of FTD patients and patients with psychiatric disorders, enabling collaborative research in this important field.
Working groups
Comprised of dedicated researchers and experts, each working group delves deeply into specific facets of Frontotemporal Dementia research. From identifying risk factors for misdiagnosis to exploring social cognition and fluid biomarkers, our collaborative efforts are propelling the field forward.
Curious about our results? Explore a curated list of our research output. From diagnostic recommendations to the role of social cognition biomarkers, these publications offer a glimpse into our collaborative efforts to unravel this complex disorder.